Brochure Design
I was initially hired to do Ascot's Current Portfolio and below was the winning presentation against other freelancers. In the final stages, it ended with a whopping 50-page brochure and a permanent freelance role offer in their company.

Newsletter Design
Ascot gave me the opportunity to try designing Newsletters and learn building it using Mailchimp. A general topic would be passed on to me, then from there, I would start copywriting and creating layouts until it's ready to be built.
Surprisingly, the click rate went from 1% to 45%, while the open rate doubled reaching up to 79% compared from the start.

Packaging and Branding Design
GREENHERBS reached out to me to create a fresh logo and packaging design for their newly-launched product. Along with these, they requested for me to design a starter "social media posts" pack suitable for their product launch.
PS. They sent me freebies afterwards, and I was very happy to be their on-call designer.

They chose among these 3 final logo design, and the first one was chosen.

Initially producing 4 different designs, they were happy to choose this one and immediately printed them out!